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Text Discussion Relational Dynamics

Text Discussion Relational Dynamics

Q Text Discussion Relational Dynamics 4646 unread replies.6868 replies. First, review Lesson: Relational Dynamics. Then, identify two things that you learned from two different sections of the readings. You may choose any section from any reading. I invite you to skim both readings and take a deep dive into the one that you prefer. In each main section, there are subsections worth exploring. You might select to discuss two things from one of the readings or one in each of the readings. It's up to you! In Communication and Relational Dynamics_Looking Out Looking In.pdf Actions the main sections in this reading are: • Why We Form Relationships • Models of Relational Dynamics • Characteristics of Relationships • Communicating about Relationships In Interpersonal Relationship Stages, Theories, and Communication_The IPC Book.pdf Actions the main sections are: • Relationship Stages • Relationship Theories • Relationship Communication In your post, identify your responses clearly. Aim to submit by Thursday. • Identity the book you are referencing (i.e. Looking Out-In or The IPC Book) as well as the specific section and page number(s) (e.g. Models of Relational Dynamics: A Developmental Perspective pages 255-261). 1. Describe the section in your own words. 2. Discuss what you learned. Make a connection. What does this remind you of? How does it help you to understand yourself, communication, and/or your relationships? Note: Avoid writing one long paragraph with no separation of ideas. Submit something reader friendly.

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In the first reading, “why we form relationships” and “characteristics of relationships” are the two sections about which I would like to talk about. Looking Out Looking In - Why We Form Relationships (pg 250-252) and Characteristics of Relationships (pg 266-268) I guess we all will agree with what we read in these sections. For me personally, more than appearance, I like to befriend people with whom I found a mutual ground to talk about. Parents, relatives, office colleagues, bosses, etc. we do not have the power to choose but out of all our classmates and colleagues, we become close to some and not all. We like to communicate with people who share our mutual interest and have similar interests with us. I cannot agree more with the text as this is something I guess we all can very well relate with. I always become friends with like-minded people and do not think that “opposite attracts” is true for me in any sense. Like the author mentioned, appearance is important in the initial stages of a relationship but it cannot work as a glue to keep any relationship intact. Without mutual understanding and interest, every relationship will fall apart after a period of time.